Monday, October 13, 2008

Help Create a Global Wifi Network

I am a member of the Fon network of wifi routers.  I use the option where I can access any Fon router anywhere one exists in the world at no charge. The other option is to collect a reimbursement from users of your node and access the Fon network at very low rates. 

from the current newsletter: "September was an important month for FON thanks to the registration of our 1,000,000th Fonero, “Wilkinson,” in Japan! But of course we wont stop there. We´ve already set a new target of two million Foneros and our plan to reach that goal in record time is called Fonero Gets Fonero. With this plan, existing Bill and Linus Foneros with active FON Spots can invite their friends to a La Fonera WiFi Router at a discount. If Aliens start being extra nice to you, you´ll know why."

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